
Student Training Archives

Published 07/28/2016:

This past year two predoctoral students, Eugene Lin (Ph.D. 2015) and Yan Hu (Ph.D. 2016) from the UVA Department of Biology training in the laboratories of Dr. Gomez and Sequeira-Lopez successfully completed their projects and graduated. Dr. El-Dahr is mentoring two predoctoral students from the interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Program at Tulane:

  • FY 13-14  Jenny Ngo: role of H3K79 methylation in renal development
  • FY 14-15 Jenny Ngo: role of H3K79 methylation in kidney development
  • FY 15-16 Zahra Saifudeen: Mechanisms of nephron progenitor renewal

In addition, the lab of each Project PI is hosting one summer research student to pursue projects funded by the Administrative Supplement for Summer Students

Project 1

Ariel Gomez, MD
Summer Student: Gonzalo Olaverria Salavaggione, rising senior undergraduate student, Ohio State University Biology major.
Project: Analysis of expression of hypoxia related genes Hif 2a and Epo in the kidney.

Project 2

Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez
Summer Student: Jessica Moskaluk, rising junior undergraduate student, Pennsylvania State University. Forensic Science major.
Project: Regulation of gene expression in renin lineage cells.

  • Robert Paxton has returned to Ariel Gomez’s lab for the 2016 summer as a full-time volunteer/intern. He was a summer student sponsored by the PCEN in 2015. He has a BS in Biology with concentration in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology from Elon University (2016).

Project: Cell fate in the developing kidney.

  • Nathan Grainger, PhD student at the University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine. He came to Dr. Sequeira-Lopez’s lab April 24-30 2016, to train in complete and partial UUO and release in newborn and adult mice. He had no previous surgical experience and after a one on one training for a whole week he was able to successfully perform the procedures without help.
  • Leon DeLalio, PhD student at the CVRC at UVA. He is working on the pannexin gene in renin kidney cells. He is receiving regular guidance and training in Dr. Ariel Gomez’s in histological and molecular biology techniques in kidney.