Attend a “Center of Open Science” Workshop of reproducible science
Attend and Participate in the CMB data dinner
Present a poster or give a talk at each CMB retreat
Attend two Medical Center hours per year and participate in a “Walker Elementary School STEM night”
Join the CMB Hike
Class requirements
Statistics Class
Advanced topics in Cell and Molecular Biology (Cell 8301)
Effective Science Writing for Grants and Fellowships (Cell 8405)
CMB Trainee Opportunities
Attend a Research Conference
Invite and Host a Scientific Speaker
Expectations of the CMB Faculty
Attend a BIMS mentor training course at least once ever 3 years
Coach a CMB student from another department in the Data dinner presentation and provide feedback on this presentation
Participation in the CMB programmatic activities especially the CMB retreat
Active participation in one of four categories:
Directing a graduate student course or teach in the two CMB sponsored classes: Advanced Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology or Advanced Writing Skills
Acting on a graduate student recruitment or admissions committees
Participation in URM mentoring programs
Teach in ethics training or contributing to UVA’s continuing efforts to ensure a diverse student population